Cover Art

2022/07/02 - Scranton, PA

The Peach Music Festival

Track # Set Name Length
1 1 Yeti Jam 04:35 Song | Band Camp
2 1 Arrow 28:57 Song | Band Camp
3 1 Magic Carpet Ride 08:03 Song | Band Camp
4 1 Animal 08:23 Song | Band Camp
5 1 Tumble 17:02 Song | Band Camp
6 1 State of the Art (A.E.I.O.U) 07:39 Song | Band Camp
7 1 Factory Fiction 19:36 Song | Band Camp
8 1 Dripfield 14:01 Song | Band Camp

Show Notes

2022/07/02 Peach Music Festival, Scranton, PA
Set: Yeti Jam {1}, Arrow > Magic Carpet Ride {2}, Animal, Tumble, State Of The Art (A.E.I.O.U.) {3}, Factory Fiction, Dripfield
Coach’s Notes:
{1} Recording started halfway through the song
{2} Steppenwolf
{3} Jim James
Photo by Kendall McCargo